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Glorinda's Service
For Hydropower

One of the most controversially known as Sustainable energy sources is Hydropower & by considering this fact Glorinda has developed a great international grid of engineering plus investment services for Hydropower technology; Hence, any kinetic energy that running water or falling water has is considered as a source of energy, utilizing it had become one of the most common ways of energy production or better call it Sustainable energy production which has the share of 15% in the total amount of energy production worldwide.

One of the most controversially known as Sustainable energy sources is Hydropower & by considering this fact Glorinda has developed a great international grid of engineering plus investment services for Hydropower technology; Hence, any kinetic energy that running water or falling water has is considered as a source of energy, utilizing it had become one of the most common ways of energy production or better call it Sustainable energy production which has the share of 15% in the total amount of energy production worldwide.

Either Reservoirs & Dam or Running & Falling Water

Hydropower is based on 2 different & separated methods of utilization of surface water (fresh water). There is a couple of differences between the two types of Hydropower exploitations just as follow


Reservoirs & Dam

Power plants that include a reservoir and dam: water is collected behind the dam in a reservoir and stores high potential energy; Eventually, water from this reservoir flows through canals and drives a water turbine to generate electricity.

Running & Falling Water

As the name implies, in such a power plant, a barrier is built on the stream of the flowing water in order to control the flow of water as much as possible. Such a power plant requires a constant and continuous flow of running water and therefore cannot provide a stable electric current unlike dams. In these power plants, the use of water's kinetic energy is the main goal in order to extract electrical energy
We give you

The Unlimited Energy

Glorinda provides investment & services such as supplying equipment & technology plus engineering platform, due to its vast trade net & base of formation which have included numerous experts in different fields of Engineering, trade, Investment & finance; Therefore, we are proud to express that any type of Hydropower plant is supported by Glorinda.


Glorinda is able to provide services for higher production amounts of energy via potential energy of water supply behind reservoirs & dams through their turbines or lower energy production via kinetic energy of running water or falling water which is through a built barrier on the stream of a flowing water.

 In either cases of using Dams or running water, there are great benefits which are as follows: 

  • Electricity extraction technology is relatively simple and stable and provides the consumer with a lifespan of more than 30 years, and at the same time doesn’t require a large amount of initial capital.
  • The final cost of such projects can ultimately outweigh the costs of other sources of energy production and be more economically viable compared to them.
  • Hydropower generation operations are automated and have low maintenance and operation costs.
  • Excluding fuel produced for energy transmission and logistics, we can say that we will not need any other fuel to generate electricity from water.
  • Compared to other energy sources, hydropower has fewer environmental effects.
  • The intensity of the energy extracted will vary depending on the water in a place, but in general, this energy will be available at a constant rate at all times.
  • Hydropower extraction technology can also be used in developing countries.