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Endless Possibilities

With Glorinda's Accelerating Service

Endless Possibilities

With Glorinda's Accelerating Service
we are defining the

Next Generation of Accelerating

One of the most important fields of activity of Glorinda is accelerating to start ups. We believe that startups are mostly new innovative collections of ideas; In most of the companies we can observe research & development (R&D) sections which are only a part of those companies, but start ups have a major role in serving the research & development plus innovation.

The basic advantage of startups is that they won’t limit themselves to specific range of productions or sections & due to this feature, they’ve become interesting for us; We’re looking for supporting the startups in the path of creating new innovative solutions & finding substitutional ways that are still out of humanities reach.

Worldwide Experience

We save you from


Since, there are many ways that we provide acceleration for startups, it is better to present the sections so, our methods for developing startups are as follows:

We Accelerate you by


Thanks to our strong & international financial grid, we are able to provide a wide range of financial services to support startups; services like investment, loan, offtake agreements & connection to global net. We can bring startups to the global environment which can free them from local limitations; These services include international presentation of the startups, providing international sales services & international financial trade.

We Accelerate you by

Providing Services

Startups are able to utilize services that are provided by Glorinda such as: Supplying required goods & equipment, Completion of product basket, Completion of services basket & ….

We Accelerate you by


Glorinda can use its own accredited brands to accelerate the accreditation of startups branding process due to the fact the most of the startups are unknown at the beginning of their career. 

we give you

Limitless cooperation opportunities

All of our solutions in trading are in the direction of the transcendent goals of the group & aiding planet Earth to become a better living place.  By using a wide range of agreements & contracts, we can protect the comprehensive interests of our customers and eliminate their restrictions on trade.



